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World Trade Center 911 and Ground Zero Walking Tour

20 Dey St New York, 10007 10007
World Trade Center 911 and Ground Zero Walking Tour
Detail Perfect introduction for first-time visitors
Detail Led by a local guide
Detail Informative, friendly and professional guide
Detail Fully narrated tour
Detail Family friendly
Detail Tour is wheelchair accessible
Detail Duration: 2 hours
Detail Duration: 2 hours
World Trade Center 911 and Ground Zero Walking Tour Schedule Schedule
World Trade Center 911 and Ground Zero Walking Tour
Upcoming Schedule:
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World Trade Center 911 and Ground Zero Walking Tour Photos (24)
A family of four dressed in winter clothing is smiling for the photo in front of the 911 Memorial reflecting pools in New York CityA family of four dressed in winter clothing is smiling for the photo in front of the 911 Memorial reflecting pools in New York CityA family of four dressed in winter clothing is smiling for the photo in front of the 911 Memorial reflecting pools in New York CityA family of four dressed in winter clothing is smiling for the photo in front of the 911 Memorial reflecting pools in New York City

If you're interested in a tour that explores New York City's most heart-wrenching day, the World Trade Center 9/11 and Ground Zero Walking Tour is worth your attention. This tour takes place in Lower Manhattan and covers the topic of the September 11th terrorist attacks and their aftermath. It's a chance to learn about one of the most important events in modern American history.

During this walking tour, you will visit the National September 11th Memorial and see its twin reflecting pools which are the largest ones in America. The fountain-fueled pools were built in the footprints of the towers and bear the names of every person who died in the attacks. Furthermore, you will also witness the Survivor Tree, a testament to the courage of New Yorkers, and hear the stories of the heroes and survivors who emerged from the wreckage.

This activity is a two-hour-long walking tour with a local guide who will describe in detail the events of the day and the stories of the affected people. Be prepared to walk about a mile, gaining insight into the history and importance of the World Trade Center. No matter where you come from or where you go, this tour is a valuable opportunity to pay respect to the people who lost their lives during the 9/11 attacks while gaining new insight into one of America's most signifiant cities.

The World Trade Center 9/11 and Ground Zero Walking Tour is a truly unique and thought-provoking experience. It sees you interacting with actual pieces of the Twin Towers, carved steel remnants that point to the enormity of the tragedy that took place that day. The guides offer excellent insights and share intimate stories about the fire-fighters and rescue organizations who fought bravely in the aftermath of the horrific acts of terrorism. The tour concludes with breathtaking views from the One World Trade Center, making it one of the city's most comprehensive and immersive experiences.

The National September 11th Memorial provides a seamless presentation of remembrance and education. Visitors will experience a dark, quiet space in contrast to the bustling city above where they can reflect on the tragedies, heroism and hope that resulted from the above acts of terrorism. The twin reflecting pools feature waterfalls that are so loud that they almost obscure any other sound, and these constantly noisy cascades evoke the dizzying urgency of the day. To be moved by this memorial is normal. It's incredible in its scale and scope, but also deeply intimate when you consider the faces and names that surround you.

 Pass By  One World Trade Center in New York, NY
Visit the One World Trade Center and step into its 'Sky Pod' elevators to simulate a thrilling journey through time and history. A blend of technology, history, and breathtaking views.

The World Trade Center and the events of September 11th, 2001, remain significant moments in American culture. This tour offers a unique chance to learn about this tragedy and to pay respect to the thousands of lives lost in this terrible event. The tour is a powerful and humbling experience that leaves you with a new appreciation for New York City's resilience and determination. If you're interested in revisiting American history, participating in the World Trade Center 9/11 and Ground Zero Walking Tour is an activity you shouldn't miss.

World Trade Center 911 and Ground Zero Walking Tour Color Key
World Trade Center 911 and Ground Zero Walking Tour July Schedule World Trade Center 911 and Ground Zero Walking Tour August Schedule World Trade Center 911 and Ground Zero Walking Tour September Schedule World Trade Center 911 and Ground Zero Walking Tour October Schedule World Trade Center 911 and Ground Zero Walking Tour November Schedule World Trade Center 911 and Ground Zero Walking Tour December Schedule World Trade Center 911 and Ground Zero Walking Tour January Schedule World Trade Center 911 and Ground Zero Walking Tour February Schedule World Trade Center 911 and Ground Zero Walking Tour March Schedule World Trade Center 911 and Ground Zero Walking Tour April Schedule

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