
New York Sightseeing Tours Customer Service

We want to make your vacation as easy as possible. On this customer support page you will find useful links to most frequently asked questions and a web form to email us your questions.
Customer Testimonials

"I want to thank Branson Shows for making it so easy to get tickets for the Haygood show. It is the best show in Branson and you made it possible for my family to see it. Thanks and I will use your service again."

- Harvey Currier
  Woodward, Oklahoma

"Hamners wasn't quite the quality I was expecting for the price of the tickets, however, everyone was so nice and my 9 yo son was enthralled with the performance. It was his first vacation and for that alone, the money was well spent. He was excited to get Mr. Hamner's autograph after the show and has great dreams of learning to do magic tricks for himself now. Overall our trip was a success and this momma is so happy to have created some precious memories to cherish for a lifetime with my son. helped make that possible with the ease of their online ticket orders which I printed from the hotel was just so easy. Thanks"

- TaRena Reece
  Earlsboro, OK

"This was an older establishment but very well kept. The management was fantastic, rooms kept very clean, little to no noise, and was very easy to get to any of the shows we booked. I would not hesitate to stay here again. Thanks for a wonderful stay in Branson!"

- James Bennett
  Cedar Creek, TX

We have an extensive Frequently Asked Questions section that answers many common questions.

Get an instant answer:
Call us Toll-Free: 800-717-9981
Local Phone: 417-823-0981
Office Hours (CST):
10 am - 8 pm, 7 Days a Week
(Limited Hours on Holidays)

Our knowledgeable and helpful Customer Service Representatives are ready to assist you. Should you need to leave a message, we will return your call promptly.

Contact us using the form below.
U.S. Mail Address:
New York Sightseeing Tours
610 E Battlefield
A -205
Springfield, MO 65807

Contact Customer Service at
Secure Online Payment Options
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